Mount Kilimanjaro National Park – we guide you to Africa’s highest point

With its snow-capped summit, Mount Kilimanjaro National Park is THE attraction in northeast Tanzania. Some call it the “Shining Mountain,” others the “Mountain of Light.” But either way, it’s simply magnificent. .


Twende Tanzania Safari

Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa. It’s hardly surprising that it magically attracts trekking enthusiasts. With its snow-capped volcanic cones, on a clear day it can be seen from far away. Banana and coffee plantations abound at southern foot of the mountain. Cedar forests grow on the dry northern slope and at the foot is the vast Maasai steppe.

Kilimanjaro – drei erloschene Vulkane

Even if your destination is not the 5895-metre Kibo-Uhuru peak, you can enjoy hiking, mountain biking or horseback tours in the rainforest zone and the adjacent grassland. You’ll see turacos and hornbills sitting on huge fig trees, podocarpus and other rainforest trees. And visiting the various tribes will give you a new perspective on our technological world.

Would you like to experience Mount Kilimanjaro National Park personally? Contact Twende Tanzania.

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